Dorohedoro Wiki

One of the many buildings inside En's Mansion serving, as the name suggest, an adoration place for the Devils.


A patched-up eclectic building, with mostly black colors and a steel wall in the front, alongside many inverted crosses.


The place became the battlefield between Kaiman and the Brainwashed Nikaido, back then in En's control thanks to the contract inside her and the mask made by Chidaruma. Kaiman challenge her for a fight in order to slap some sense and get her back to normal.

The battle was quite one sided as Nikaido easily overpowered Kaiman, willing to kill him for oppose to En's will, and the lizard head was holding himself to not use his knives. The battle ended when Nikaido knocked him out, breaking the floor inside the church with a almost fatal drop kick, leaving Kaiman severely wounded, crawling on the basement of the building trying to hide from his opponent.

Nikaido, ready to finish her former friend, was staved in the back by an unknown (at the moment) shady figure on the basement, the wound was almost fatal and just with the intervention of Asu, who teleported in the Church looking for her. She was healed, and without the contract, and the mask destroyed when Kaiman sucker punched her in the face, she was free from En's control.

After the pork face Devil healed Kaiman, transformed Chota (who was praying in the church for an agonizing and slow death for En's new partner) in a replica of Nikaido, and teleported both the lizard head and his friend to a place as far as he could from the Mansion, Chota was picked by En, believing he was the real Nikaido, and everyone left the building.
